Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Clean Your Dogs Paws

Here is another great Tutorial Video From Victoria Calvin. I love her tutorials videos she goes into great detail and has a wonderful voice for teaching. I will definitely be adding more of these wonderful tutorials to this blog.

Expert: Victoria Calvin

Bio: Victoria Calvin is a professional dog groomer in Miami, and the owner of Splish-n-Splash Mobile Pet Grooming. She is a member of the National Dog Groomers Association.

Dog Grooming - It's Not Just for Poodles Anymore

Dog Grooming - It's Not Just for Poodles Anymore
By: Paolo Parodi

Dog grooming is not simply an aesthetic bonus for our canine friends. Maintaining a regular grooming schedule will help to keep your dog both happy and healthy. Routine dog grooming will ensure that your dog is free of parasites, has healthy skin and a shiny coat, and has good dental health. Of course, the aesthetic benefits are also a plus. Only a true dog lover wants to be around a dirty, stinky dog with bad breath. Proper dog grooming will bring out the best in man's best friend.

What's Involved in Dog Grooming?
While dog grooming can be performed at home, the best results can be achieved via a professional dog groomer. A thorough dog grooming session takes care of all the hygienic needs of your dog. The grooming process generally takes a hour or two to accomplish, but the results are well worth the time spent. A typical dog grooming session consists of the following treatments for your dog:

* A thorough bath including flea dip (if applicable)

* A complete coat brushing to eliminate tangles and matted hair

* Styling as requested (can include accessories such as bows, rhinestones and bandannas)
QuickFinder Medium Dog Nail Clipper for dogs up to 75 lbs.
* Nail trimming

* Ear cleaning and examination for parasites

* Teeth cleaning

How Often Should Dog Grooming Take Place?
The frequency with which your should groom your dog is dependent on the breed and coat quality of your dog. Some breeds are considered high maintenance in terms of dog grooming, while others need only periodic care. Before you purchase or adopt a dog, it's a good idea to find out how much grooming it will require. A basic guide to dog grooming by coat type is as follows:

* Curly-Coated - Dogs such as Poodles have a dense and curly coat that is fairly resistant to water. These dogs will require dog grooming at least once every two months, or six times a year.

* Short-Coated - Dogs with short dense coats, such as Corgis and Boxers need a weekly brushing, but do not need to be bathed more than once or twice a year unless a problem arises.

* Long-Coated - Long coated dogs, such as Collies and Sheepdogs, require a daily brushing to keep their coats in good condition. Additional dog grooming including regular bathing, should be administered once every other month.

* Silky-Coated - Afghans, Cocker Spaniels and Pekinese dogs belong to the silky coated dog group. These dogs require daily brushing and a thorough dog grooming session four times a year.

* Wire-Coated - Wire coated dogs require considerable dog grooming. Dogs such as Terriers and Schnauzers should be bathed every three months and have their coat clipped every six to eight weeks.

* Smooth-Coated - The smooth-coated class of dogs includes Labrador Retrievers, Doberman Pinschers and Dachshunds. These are very low maintenance dogs and require only weekly brushing and bathing as necessary.

Whatever type of dog you own, it's important to see that proper grooming is maintained for the health and happiness of your canine companion.

Paolo Parodi is an expert author who writes for Dog Grooming

Thursday, January 27, 2011

DIY Dog Grooming To Bring Out The Dog In You

DIY Dog Grooming To Bring Out The Dog In You
Author: Sturat Michael M

The term dog grooming may sometimes give an impression of complicated procedures coupled with devices which bear semblance to medical or beauty devices.  That is where the misconception lies as it is basically a practice no different to how man takes care of himself.  As everyone requires self maintenance in the areas of beauty and hygiene, so do our dogs.  Since there are varying levels of grooming needs, it is recommended you do some research before landing yourself with a high maintenance project.  Numerous tips and guidelines are readily available in pet grooming books as well as online sites.

To keep a dog at its best condition, it needs
PetZoom Self Cleaning Grooming Brush, 2-Packto be kept clean at all times.  Depending on type of dog breed, each has its own set of physical characteristics.  A longer-haired dog obviously needs more frequent brushing to remove tangles, matting and excess shedding.  Unless you are one with the time and patience for such a discipline, a shorter-haired breed may be more up your alley.  Hair cuts are also a must as overgrown hair tends to encourage knots and obstruct your dog's vision.  A dog with a disheveled appearance is not the best-looking man's best friend.  Unless you have the proper devices and skills on how to properly trim your dog's hair, this can be a task best left to the experts.

Since dogs and children share commonalities in attracting every possible piece of dirt when playing outdoors, bathing is an essential part of dog grooming.  Putting right a common fallacy that dogs are adverse to water, it is often the opposite.  Dogs just dislike water running into their ears which explains the constant shaking of heads and the occasional dash for freedom whilst dripping throughout the house.

A dog with long and floppy ears needs more attention as it is more prone to ear infection.  It is normally caused by lack of ventilation to the ear canal, type of dog breed, allergies and lack of hygiene.  By observing proper ear care procedures as advised by the vet, your dog should be spared of this misery.  A dog's nails also need to be kept in check with periodic trimming.  To avoid over clipping them, file them to recommended lengths.

By grooming your own dog, the chore takes on a new turn as a bonding opportunity between owner and pet.

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Dog Grooming Methods, Bathing Tips and Grooming Supplies

Dog Grooming Methods, Bathing Tips and Grooming Supplies
Author: Scott Lipe

Before you get carried away buying grooming products for your home grooming, as there are a lot of products out there, think about what you need. It is different for all dogs, and so you need to know what type of dog you have and their type of coat, what is their fur type?

Oster Equine Care Series 7-Piece Grooming Kit, PinkThere is some equipment that all dogs need, shampoo, and shampoo brush. Shears or clippers, and brushes. You can get different types for short hair or long, double coated or wire haired coat. You need to have a feel for what you wish to take on, is it just a trim to save money between visits to a professional groomer, or are you taking on the total grooming of your dog.

There are three steps to grooming your dog and these are called; Pre bathing, bathing and post bathing. The pre bathing is where you clean ears, trim nails, de-tangle, brush and comb the coat ready for the bath. Do as much as you can here as this is where your end result will pay. The better you can pre bath really shows in the end. When you have de-tangled your dog and all the knots are out of their coat, you can shape the face and feet for the look you want, think about what type of shape you dog's face is and work Within their natural shape for the best look. Use clippers or thinning scissors on the body coat. Do not take too much off at this point but get the shape and the rough length that you want. You are now ready for the next part. Some owners just want a good short cut for the hot summer months.

The bath, this is where you get the dog wet. Make sure you and the dog are safe, so think about a bath mat and the weight of your dog if you need to lift them in and out of a bath. Once your dog is in the bath, start with wetting the coat fully with warm water. Try to avoid the ear area as this can give your dog problems later. Pay special attention to dirty areas like under the dog or the legs. Using the shampoo lather up your dog and give them a really good cleaning. Be careful of the eyes and ears here. Rinse well with warm water and repeat if you need to. Like with you, the dog's hair will squeak if it had been rinsed totally. Gently squeeze off any excess of water. Lift the dog out of the bath and towel dry. A great tip here is to have everything ready and to hand before you start, as you may find you are very busy with a dog and water.

Post bath is where you do all the fun bits to the dog. Dry the dog's coat with a hair drier, or if it is warm you can allow the hair to dry naturally. Brush the coat though, which will be much easier this time. When the coat is dry re-clip the fur if needed. Tidy up your dogs face and feet for that special look. Your dog will be looking so much better at this point and your hard work will show. Add a drop of dog cologne if you wish and your dog is ready for that special occasion.

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Taking Care Of Your Dog's Paw

Taking Care Of Your Dog's Paw
Author: Judd Snell

Of course, we humans use shoes to protect our feet. We insist on it! But dogs usually don't have that luxury, and routinely walk over ice, rock, grass, cement and soil on their bare paws. Their paws' thick pads give them protection we don't have, and that's why they're less susceptible to cuts and grazes. But this doesn't mean a dog's paws are indestructible. In fact, the areas between the pads are very sensitive and can suffer from cuts, burns, and other ailments.

One of the clues to a paw problem is when
your dog comes back limping or favoring only one of its legs. The only way for you to narrow down the issue is to check his paw for any visible and physical signs of bleeding, swelling, redness or blisters.

Some dogs are very protective of their paws and don't like people touching them -- and they'll let you know! Keep persisting. One of my dogs, who just hates having her paws touched, will usually relax when I gently reassure her that I'm only trying to help. Although dogs don't understand many of our words, they do just fine at detecting our emotions, and sometimes intentions, from our actions and tone of voice.

If your dog has a cut, wash the wound with an antiseptic solution and apply a layer of antiseptic cream. Check the wound again the next day to see if it's getting better. If it looks infected, you should bring your dog to the vet. I was once shocked to discover maggots wiggling inside a paw wound on my dog -- ugh. Needless to say, we went to the vet immediately (she was fine after treatment).

In certain breeds, hair mats may grow between the pads, which can cause irritation. In these breeds, it's essential to trim regularly between the mats to keep the paws in good shape. Even in other breeds, dogs that run outdoors can get mud trapped between the pads. Again, this will irritate the paw, so it's best that you clean up with soap and water when you see mud between the toes.

Healing Paw BalmJust as we humans get dry and cracked heels, dogs also experience dry and calloused paw pads. The solution for them is similar to ours -- apply moisturizers. In fact, you can even use your hand moisturizer on your dog! But there's a challenge involved: stopping your dog from licking it away after you apply it. A good trick is to apply the moisturizer right before your dog has his meal. This way, you can allow a little time for the moisturizer to settle in. Otherwise, you can play with your pooch to keep him occupied and restrain him if he starts licking his paws.

Finally, you probably have seen dogs in dog boots and wondered if these boots would effectively protect your dog's feet. But your dog may be better off without them, as they can easily walk out of these boots -- active, athletic dogs in particular. In the end, your dog will enjoy himself more walking on his own paws, with some occasional care and maintenance from you.

Learn about tomato bugs and pictures of bugs at the About Animals site.

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You Should Care For Your Dog's Ears

You Should Care For Your Dog's Ears
Author: Judd Snell

Regular ear care for your dog Routine ear care is very important to the health of your dog. Perform regular checks and cleaning between visits to your veterinarian, it will help keep your dog's ears healthy and pain free. This is extremely important to do. I have had Goldens and Black Labs for many years, and they are well known for ear conditions. But remember, no matter how efficient you are in caring for your dog's ears, serious conditions may still arise. Also, beware when your dog flaps its ears too much; this can cause a hematoma, which I will discuss a little further on. My Golden had to be operated for this. Regular inspection of your dog's Ears By performing ear inspections you will be able to detect problems early. Use both your eyes and your nose. A small flashlight will assist you in seeing problems. I have "smelled out" more serious problems using my nose. This method can detect ear infections early.

Earthbath All Natural Specialty Ear Wipes, 25 WipesNormally a dog's ears shouldn't smell foul in any way. A dark waxy discharge this may be a sign of ear mites. A pus-like discharge along with a foul smell this is a sign of a bacterial infection. Allergies are also known to cause a foul smell in your dog's ears. My Golden had very sensitive ears. If something feels wrong, make sure you have your Veterinarian check it right away. Have your Vet show you what to look for, and how to look for potential problems! My Vet is an amazing teacher and he is always willing to show me things. What dogs are more susceptible to ear problems? Dogs with floppy ears, like spaniels and bloodhounds, are very prone to ear infections because very little air flows into their ear canals. There are also breeds, like the Lhasa Apso, that have a heavy growth of hair inside their ears. Dogs that frequently swim are more susceptible to ear problems. And, Goldens can be very susceptible to ear problems. If you suspect that excess ear hair is a problem, you may need to remove the hair that grows inside your dog's ears. This is not very difficult and if you have a problem, find a good groomer to do it for you. How to clean your dog's ears: Your dog's eardrum is better protected than a human's, but
you should still proceed with caution when cleaning the ear canal. Do not insert anything into your dog's ear. Use only the small square cleaning pads, or cotton balls. Use anything that is very soft, but has no tips. Ask your groomer or Vet to show you the best way to clean YOUR dog's ears... Checking your dog's ears only takes a few minutes so make it a part of your dog grooming routine. And when your dog's ears need a cleaning don't put it off. Remember regular cleanings can prevent many common ear problems. If you think a problem may be developing that is beyond the scope of your home dog ear care routine, take your dog to the vet for a check up immediately. An infection, if left untreated, can be very painful.

Hematomas My Golden had one once, a big one, from shaking her head because of her ear condition. My Vet says a hematoma can turn into a very serious condition if not treated. Hematomas are collections of blood. They are common in ears because there doesn't seem to be anything in the ear to generate enough pressure to stop bleeding until the ear swells enough with blood. Ear infections, ear mites, fly bite irritation, mosquito bites, allergies and immune mediated diseases have all been implicated as underlying causes for this problem. Anything that causes the dog to flap its ears can make this happen and it appears to occur spontaneously in a number of dogs. Large hematomas should be treated surgically or medically. Surgery usually involves making an incision on the inner aspect of the ear and draining the blood, removing any blood clots that are left and then suturing the two sides of the ear together by putting sutures all the way through it, in a "mattress" pattern. Sometimes it is possible just to place a drain and massage the blood out of the ear daily until it heals. Side note: If you use a commercial ear product please make sure it is of good quality and please make sure it is the proper product for the condition. So many dogs have had tremendous ear pain and complications because of the wrong product, or the wrong use of a product. An educated dog owner is the best kind of dog owner. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Visit the About Animals website to learn about how to get rid of roaches and german cockroaches.

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Importance Of dental Care For Your Dog

Importance Of dental Care For Your Dog
Author: Peter John

Dental care for your dog is equally important as it is to human species. Regular brushing will help prevent the buildup of calculus and debris on your dog's teeth but before that you need to make your dog used to it by having his mouth touched, making sure to touch the lips, open the mouth, and touch the teeth in a calm and relaxing way for about five minutes each day until your pup is used to being handled in this way so that he does not create any problems in performing any kind of preventive dental care in future.

Nutri-Vet Oral Hygiene Kit for DogsThe need for dental care increases with your dog's age. To get the best result you need to ensure proper dental health for your dog at an early stage. Never use human toothpaste but use toothpaste and brush especially manufactured for them. To get your dog used to having his teeth brushed, start
rubbing his teeth with a cotton ball dabbed with toothpaste, then follow using finger brush and finally regular dog toothbrush as they gradually grow up.

Even with proper preventive measures, most dogs are recommended a dental cleaning from your veterinarian just like human. Dental cleaning should not be missed out in any way because dental disease carry harmful bacteria that can pass through into the bloodstream causing potentially serious problems such as kidney and heart valves infections.

The technique of dental cleaning of your dog performed by your veterinarian is much like a human dental cleaning; which follows with several steps like thorough examination of teeth to determine if any teeth need to be pulled or repaired, x-rays of the teeth to find any cracks or diseased teeth but prior to any treatment your dog will be tranquilized by anesthetist. Dental cleaning is performed by a trained member of the veterinary staff after collecting the overall report with precise care which begins with scaling the teeth to remove the tartar above and below the gum line with the help of both the hand instruments and ultrasonic scaling equipment which is then followed by polishing and making the teeth smooth preventing plaque from adhering to them. Fluoride treatment is also performed to strengthen the enamel and prevent plaque from forming. Root canals and other intensive dental work is also performed to help prevent bacterial infection by most veterinarians. Therefore it is very vital for you to follow your veterinarian's advice to keep your dog's teeth healthy.

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Dog Grooming Is Necessary In A Dog's Life

Dog Grooming Is Necessary In A Dog's Life
Author: Thierry babineaux

The two most important facets of a dog's life include dog grooming and dog food. Food keeps them alive and grooming keeps them healthy and in shape.

Your dog will need high quality dog food to help him grow bigger and stronger. There are different types of nutrients likevitamins, proteins, minerals and fats are required in proper proportions to strengthen his bones and immune system. You can get different types of dog food from pet supply stores but always remember to read the label before you buy any of the food. The labels will provide information on the different ingredients that is there in the dog food and their quantities. One of the important things to remember is that never provide too much of dog food to your companion because this can lead to intestinal problems.

But is dog food the only requirement of your dog? No! There are many more requirements other than proper dog food but the most important of them all is dog grooming. Proper dog grooming is not just important but also a necessary aspect of dog care. Proper dog grooming will not only make your companion look better, but it will also make him feel better and keep him healthy. For example:
Dogs tend to have ticks and these ticks are capable of causing different types of skin diseases. Dog grooming will help you to take care of the ticks and make your dog feel good too. The two important aspects of dog grooming include:

Brushing the Coat: As a part of dog grooming, you will need to brush the coat of your dog every day. Whether your dog is hairy or not, the coat should be brushed. This will help a lot in keeping his hair and coat in great condition because brushing will remove dirt and insects and also help in spreading natural oils evenly through his coat. This will also free their skin from any type of irritation. It is important that your pet should get accustomed to the various processes of dog grooming and hence you should start brushing him from an early age. You can also get an older animal to enjoy brushing - all you have to do is shower him with praises and give plenty of treats and he will be more than happy!
Four Paws Products Blood Stopper Powder 0.5 Ounces - 50120
Trimming of Nails: Nails can become fairly large on dogs and cat even cause injury to other people in your house and even children. Dogs will never deliberately scratch anyone but in their excitement they might end up scratching you. Hence as a part of dog grooming you need to trim his nails at least once every month. You can pick up a clipper from a pet supply store and use it for trimming the nails at home only. You can use a scissor or even a guillotine-type clipper for this important dog grooming exercise. Just to be on the safe side, keep a bottle of blood-clotting powder handy.
Dog grooming is something that will help keep your favorite companion healthy and active throughout his life.

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When, Where and How to Bathe Your Dog

When, Where and How to Bathe Your Dog
Author: Jane Dinunzio

Is this a familiar scenario?  Every where you go around the house your devoted dog is by your side.  He knows when you are preparing his meals, when someone is due home from work he's at the window waiting, or just when you are relaxing, he is also.

When you begin getting ready to give him a bath, then suddenly you can't find him.  He knows whats up and doesn't like it.  Most dogs don't enjoy their bath, but here are a few tips to reduce your dog's anxiety.


Use your judgment and common sense. If he looks feels or smells dirty, then the time is now.

Basically a minimum of 3 or 4 baths a year for a clean, indoor apartment dwelling dog is sufficient. Obviously many more baths are needed for your outdoor, active or working dog.

Regular brushing helps with removing dead hair, distribute natural oils and removes dirt. This alone helps decrease the amount of dog baths necessary.   A good brush, appropriate for your dog's size and fur type, will give you and your pet a special time of bonding, and he will be so ecstatic and much more appreciative of time spent together.  Dogs will always prefer this over a bath anytime


Cloud Star's Buddy Wash Original Lavender & Mint 2 in 1 Shampoo + Conditioner - 16 ounceDo not bathe your dog outdoors in cold winter climates.  Using the proper dog shampoo and tepid to warm water, bathe your dog in the utility tub, a small basin or your bath tub, depending on your dog's size.

Don't let a wet dog go out doors in cold, frigid weather.  The dog must be completely dry, especially down to the undercoat, that some dogs have.

In the warm summer time I bathe my dogs outside and let the heat of the sun dry them. They can run and shake, and take a nice warm sun bath.


Make sure your dog's coat is combed and all the mats and knots are removed.  These will only become more difficult to remove after they are wet.

Also, make sure that you have a calm environment for bath time.  You don't want the kid's fighting and crying, stress from yourself and a rushed, hurried attitude.  Most dogs don't enjoy baths, but will tolerate them if you are relaxed and gentle.

Make sure if using the tub, that your have a non slip mat down so your dog feels secure.

I use a shower head and long hose that is just perfect so my labs can stand up and I am comfortable also. If you don't have this, use a large pitcher (plastic) to wet and rinse with. Wash the face first with a wet cloth, without soap. Some people put cotton balls in the ears for protection, and if it makes you more comfortable, do so. Just don't forget to take them out after.

When the bath is finished try and get a towel or two ready and try and cover them before the shaking begins.   It is inevitable that your will get wet anyway.  Using old clean towels, that are used specifically for clean ups and your dogs messes, dry the fur as much as possible. Most dogs love the rub down after the bath much more than the actual bath.

Some dogs enjoy getting blown dried with a hair dryer after their baths, but if you do this, make sure you use the warm setting, not hot.  To prevent a hot spot on your dog's skin, you must keep the dryer moving at all times.

If you start the bath time routine from puppy hood, this usually will just then become part of the dog's routine and it won't be stressful. To prevent a stressful nervous dog, you should be relaxed and in a good mood before starting bath time, as most dogs feel our bad or unhappy feelings


Understanding your dog's behavior will increase the bond between you and your dog. Taking care of your dog, and giving him the best, whether it be the best nutrition, or the best medical care or the best emotional connection will make you and your pet both extremely content.
Check out my tips and dog information at:

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The Importance of Pet Grooming

The Importance of Pet Grooming
Author: Larry Johnson

The more authentic information about pet grooming you know, the more likely people are to consider you a pet grooming expert. Read on for even more facts that you can share.

We all know that basic dog grooming or cat grooming is a necessary evil, but do we give our animals all that they deserve? Do we even know what kind of dog grooming supplies we need? Why own a pet at all if we are not going to love and care for it properly? There are so many animal facilities available, both stationary and mobile, there is absolutely no excuse for an unkempt animal. Whether you have a dog, cat, rabbit, horse or other animal you care for it is imperative that they get the attention they deserve. Admittedly there are a few owners that go way overboard when it comes to their pets. There are places that will provide exercise and socialization, spa treatments and even birthday parties.

Some owners think of their pet as a family member and indulge them unmercifully. When it comes to cucumber facial masks and aromatherapy that may be taking things a bit too far, but that is an owner's exclusive right or privilege. However, this article is not concerned with overindulgence, but with the basic necessity of rabbit , horse or cat grooming plus shih tzu, poodle or other types of dog grooming. A well-groomed animal is much easier to love.

So exactly what does pet grooming involve? What type of dog grooming products do we need?
Wahl U-Clip Pet Clipper Kit - BlackThe basics to cat or dog grooming, and even the job to groom other animals for that matter, is simple. It boils down to a shower, shave and a haircut along with a couple of other easy procedures. Obviously, keeping your animal's hair the proper length is very important for its appearance. This can involve either cutting or brushing the hair. Some pets never need a cut while others look much better with an occasional clipping. With some animals regular brushing will be enough to keep the hair nice and neat.Bathing is another important step in keeping your pet groomed properly. This is a simple matter of hosing them down, rubbing in some shampoo and then rinsing them off. This can be done in a tub or outside with a garden hose. With regular bathing and brushing 90 percent of the chore is done.

The other main ingredients to successfully keeping your pet looking its best are using clippers for clipping nails and possibly a little flea control. There is not much more to it than that. Sure, it is possible to spend a lot more time and money on mobile pet grooming, pet grooming supplies, oiling down the coat, tools, products and other extravagances, but it is not really necessary.

Now if you have a show animal on the other hand it becomes a whole new ball game. But the basics are simple, wash, cut or brush, clip and flea control.If you are the lazy type or just do not have enough time to spend on this job it is a simple matter of finding a mobile pet grooming company that will do the job for you. Or even a dog grooming school. Of course you will pay more, but if having your animal look its best is important to you this is certainly a consideration. If you are going to do the work yourself you might want to search for some online instructions, videos or tips.You cannot predict when knowing something extra about pet grooming will come in handy. If you learned anything new in this article, you should file the article where you can find it again. As your knowledge about pet grooming continues to grow, you will begin to see how important of a subject this really is.

About The Author:This article is presented to you by Best Pet Grooming, an online source for pet grooming products. For more information about pet grooming visit Best Pet Grooming.

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What Are Dog Grooming Tools?

What Are Dog Grooming Tools
Author: Armughan Riaz

Why you prefer to go to professional dog groomers and pay high fees for your dog grooming. You can even groom your dog at home , yes really You can do much of the grooming yourself at home and save money at the same time.

This article will let you know all necessary tools that you need for your dog grooming at home.

7-Piece Pet Grooming Kit in Blue

Dog grooming Hair scissors

Thinning scissors

Dog clippers

Dog/cat toe nail clippers

Dog Nose scissors

Dental scaler

Dog hair pulling forceps

Dog Tweezers

Brush and Comb

Dog grooming scissors:
Most important tools for dog grooming. Dog grooming scissors are usually long blade scissors having 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5" sizes. Scissors are both straight as well as curved. Common size is 8.5". Available in mirror polished, satin and titanium coated finish. These days titanium coated shears are very common because these are not only beautiful, but these shears have long lasting sharpness. Curved shears let you cut corners - literally. They are real time-savers. And, considering that most scissoring is supposed to achieve round or curved surfaces, it seems only natural to use curved shears on dogs ranging from Bichons to Bouviers. Gain experience with these shears by rounding off feet, topknots and tails. Experiment with them in reverse to create angulation above the hock joint. You might even use them to create the arch on some Terriers' eyebrows.

Many groomers who have had difficulty shaping round and curved edges seem to have more success when they are using curved shears. Now come to  Filipino shears ,these scissors have wider blade than other grooming scissors. These are excellent for cutting bulk hairs. These scissors feature superb smoothness and sharpness.

Thinning scissors:
If your dog has very thick coat of hairs we recommend you to use thinning scissors. Thinning scissors are choice of groomers in hot weather because thinning scissors thin out the heavy coats of hairs giving dogs a cool feel. Thinning shears, in various lengths and styles, constitute "the shears of the '90s" - and they are a necessary part of any groomer's collection. Thinning shears with a 28-teeth blade (or finer) are excellent for finish work and blending. They give coats a soft-edged appearance and produce Schnauzer and Terrier furnishings that look natural. Used to thin over scissored Lhasas and similar breeds with silky, flowing coats, these shears blend in and remove blunt ends. Thinning shears give breeds such as Scotties and Westies a hand-stripped look. They also give trimmed ears and bangs a natural, smooth appearance. They even thin out heavy coats and help to prevent matting in breeds such as Cockers, Afghans, etc,

Nose scissors:
Yes nose is also very important to be cleaned while grooming your dog. Use good pair of nose scissors to remove longer hairs from nose of dogs. These scissors has blunt end , so they won't disturb your dogs. Don't use pointed scissors for removing nose hairs.

Brush and Comb
You need to brush and comb away the dead hairs before bathing your pet as water creates tight matts in the loose hairs. Pets with long coat require brushing almost daily, depending on the condition of its coat. If you exercise your dog in the garden, it is likely to get tangles in its hair. You need to comb out its tangles immediately after exercise to avoid the tangles becoming mats. Brush your pet from top to bottom. Use the right brush for your pet's coat. Get advice from the pet shop if you,re unsure.

Dog clippers
purchase a set of professional dog clippers. Hair clippers for humans will not stand up to the rigors of dog grooming and should not be used. A good set of clippers can cost up to $200.00. Although the initial expense is large, the clippers will pay for themselves quickly. Make sure the animal is completely dry before using the clippers. If you wish to give your dogs specialty cuts like a poodle or a cocker cut, you should follow the directions that come with the clippers. You can also get books that have diagrams on giving special cuts. The clippers come with attachments that cut hair to the desired length for whatever effect you are trying to achieve.

Dog toe nail clippers
Dog nail clippers have 3 shapes. Guillontoin style used for removing and trimming toe nails of medium size and larger breeds. Scissors style clipper is usually used for cat nails. Plier style dog nail clippers are used to trim nails of smaller dogs. Plier style is more common among professional groomers. Care should be exercised with the toe nail clippers as if you cut the nails too short you will nick the vein that runs part way down the nail.

Dog hair pulling forceps and tweezers:
Hair pullers are fundamental tools for good grooming. Allow groomers to remove excess hair from the ear canal and reduce the risk of infections. Also used for removing ticks from pet hairs. Forceps come in curved and straight blades, having locked and unlocked handles. Forceps with polyethylene dipping handles are more commonly used these days because of firm grip and easy working.

Dental scaler
Yes dogs have also plaque problems. You can use Dental scaler, for removing plaque and cleaning teeth of pets.If you are unable to see plaque, then can use dental mirror as well.

You can touch up the grooming every two or three weeks. That way, the general grooming will not be as time consuming as it could be. Depending on how quickly your dog's hair grows, you will need to groom him every month and a half to two months, or more frequently.

Groom your pet well and enjoy its good looks and companionship !
For more information on dog grooming products, visit

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About the Author: Dr.Armughan

Grooming your Dog

Grooming your Dog
Author: billkhllmo

Good  pet health is closely related to their groomer. Just like  with humans, animals feel best when they are well taken care  of. When well taken care of, animals do feel great. The absolute best dog grooming is normally determined by  issues such as budget, dog size, dog personality and breed.  Further, you'll have to decide on the grooming frequency  starting from these : turning nail clipping, hair brushing and  ear cleaning into a routine. The perfect dog grooming is conducted following a vet's  suggestions. You  may thus groom the pet inhouse or take it to the professional grooming  salon for the operation.

Brushing is the grooming part that most dogs enjoy, and a shiny clean coat is the  right premise for good health. Here you'll have to adjust the brushes to the dog's coat  type. Thus, thick-haired dogs require daily brushing to prevent hair matting and tangling. The rest of the grooming is a lot easier if the pet's fur is  kept in a good condition by daily brushing. Medium-haired dogs need brushing once a week only, while short-haired breeds are the easiest to care for in terms of brushing. We ought to emphasize the importance of good brushing during the shedding  season.

While brushing is enjoyable, nail clipping  is hell. The gentlest of dogs will not like you  handling his paws, making nail clipping  a  challenge for most pet owners.

Coming up with the best dog grooming process
for the matter would be a  way to reduce discomfort and eliminate the pet's fear of  pain. A professional dog  groomer or veterinarian technician should be able to handle the  once a month nail trimming without any issues, which is the very best idea  for everyone involved.

Pet bathing is another almost impossible  time for pets and  their owners. Some dogs like  washing, but what about a soaking wet  dog running out of the bathtub and messing up everywhere in  the house?

Although a monthly wash is enough, there is no harm in  washing them weekly particularly if one has a  professional groomer handle the entire operation. Besides the eradication of the foul smells, the best dog brushing and wash will eradicate  parasites that hide in the fur for example flees and  ticks. Use special dog shampoo recommended by the veterinarian so  as to eradicate fleas and ticks without any hustle.

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